My Younger Sister, Connie: the Writer

When I first decided to spotlight my older sister, June, I intended later on to spotlight my younger sister, Connie. But as I sat down to write this blog, I realized that you can get to know Connie and her accomplishments easiest by simply clicking on and the click on ABOUT. I hope you take the time to get acquainted with her. Her books are incredible–much better than mine, but then, we write for different audiences.

What I do want to share with you is the influence Connie has had on my writing.

My older sister, June, died in an automobile accident in 1966. At that time, I had no idea that my younger sister, Connie, was also a writer. Nor did I know of all she had accomplished as such.

It was nine years later that I had my first book idea, which eventually was published as Tivoli’s Christmas. If it hadn’t have been for Connie taking a writing course in 1989 I believe I would never written a book at all. And once I was taking this same correspondence course, had it not been changed to allow for the writing of a short children’s book, I still would not have ended up in print.

And then there are the four other books I wrote, which are in print. And then again, there are the books I’ve written, or just started which would never have begun, had it not been for observing Connie’s drive to write.

Connie has always encouraged me in my writing endeavors. In fact, one of the books I hope to get into print within the next several months is a book she told me she would pay $20 for the first copy.

She has also proofread and edited each of my books, and as a result my books are much better than they otherwise would be.

So, I say thank you to Connie for helping make so many of my dreams come true.




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